Our Products

Welcome To QAtech

QATECH is the brand names of Quality Aqua An ISO 9001:2008 Certifier company, established in 2009. Company has gained excellent reputation within a very short period.

We Presently importing kitchen appliances and Manufactured Domestic and Commercial water purification system with reputed High quality imported spares.

In our initial milestones we transformed the water purifier to Kitchen Appliances.

When we were revolutionising the water industry rigorous measures were taken to reform the cooking range, and first appliance undertaken was Kitchen Chimney.

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Vision & Mission

Our point of strength are commitment, solidity, dedication ,dynamism, and MAKE IN INDIA which have always characterised the Group.

We work accordingly to an overriding strategy and plan, but also follow-up on opportunities as they arise with existence potential to make our business expand more rapidly in a responsible manner.